Phase Seven: Trial Preparation
A good law firm is preparing for trial from the outset of a case. However, formal trial preparation starts up in earnest in the last 30-60 days prior to the date first set for trial. Formal trial preparation involves pulling together all the documents, witnesses and arguments to make the trial of the matter run smoothly and effectively.
Parties are required to work together to prepare joint witness and exhibit lists, along with other trial documents. Other preparations include: motions to exclude evidence at trial (also known as motions in limine), jury instructions, trial briefs, witness outlines, witness preparation, and demonstrative trial exhibits such as videotaped testimony and digital documents for effective presentation at trial. Subpoenas and notices are also sent out to ensure that all witnesses and original documents are in court for trial. Finally, the firm brainstorms issue narrowing and finalizes trial strategies.
To put on a good trial, many hours outside the courtroom are necessary to present every hour of seamless, effective trial inside the courtroom.